LG 47LW5300 Great 3D HDTV With 3D Blu-Ray Player and Four Glasses | Full HD 3D TV Reviews Blog

LG 47LW5300 Great 3D HDTV With 3D Blu-Ray Player and Four Glasses

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I bought this 3D HDTV on Black Friday, which means that I get it for a few days. I find it takes about 3-4 months between Plasma (I've used the Panasonic Plasma 720p 42-Inch from 2005) or on the LED. The apartment where I live there is quite a lot. Since there are multiple windows, doors and windows. So I thought about reflections will occur with the glass screen on plasma. However, I have found that the quality of a plasma screen quality is very good. When I look at CNET's list of best HDTV.'s Plasma to focus on more of the LED continues to be acclaimed "with black levels approaching that of plasmas.".

Finally, I decided to change this LED is to return it. If it is not good in my room. Room with a lot of glare. May cause problems in viewing. In fact, for a plasma screen for the better because it's like looking in a mirror reflection. It's easy to set picture, but I was able to set this LED without any problems. I still can not decide if I like the "soap opera" effect offer by Tru-Motion definitely want it on during sports.

A word about gaming: This TV is great for it! These other people on here complaining about it clearly didn't read some of the other reviews. You can change your input type to GAME or PC to eliminate the input lag. When I first turned on Modern Warfare 3 it was unplayable. I was terrified that I'd have to return it and get another plasma. But after I read the other guy's review on here and changed my input setting, all is solved! Here's what to do:

1. Change your TV to your gaming input (whatever HDMI or Component input you have your system hooked up to)

2. Press the input button again

3. Press the blue button at the bottom of the remore labeled "3D SETTING" (N/A in this situation)

4. Scroll through the menu and select PC or GAME (I use PC just because that's what the other guy recommended and can't tell if GAME is the same or not.)

This will eliminate all (or most) of the image processing that occurs within the TV and eliminate the lag between when you move your fingers on the controller and what happens on the screen. It will make the picture a tiny bit worse, but I'd rather be able to actually play my games than have them look a tiny bit better.

Concerning 3D: I didn't even want a TV with 3D. I looked at (and actually bought, long story) the 55LV4400, which doesn't have 3D. However, I read some things about the picture quality on that not being the equal of the LW series, so I went with this one. I've always hated 3D, even in theaters, but this TV has completely changed my mind. The 3D picture quality actually looks BETTER than 2D. I'm really glad I have it now. I haven't hooked up the 3D Blu-Ray player yet so I can't comment on its quality.

Bottom line: You won't regret buying this TV. If having a smart TV isn't importnat to you (or if you already have an Xbox 360, PS3 or Internet capable Blu-Ray player) and you want excellent picture quality (2D or 3D) in a bright room for around $1000, you can't go wrong here. I consider myself very technically savvy and I spend tons of time researching and reading before I make a big tech purchase. Save yourself the same time and headache and just get this TV.